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The Argonaut platform uses a concept of Attributes to provide flexibility in extending the definition of system "things" such as Locations, Material, Material Classes. Attributes are user defined and allow users to define and associate custom metadata to system objects. Users will create an Attribute Schema (see below), which is the definition of the attribute and then create an instance of the attribute with real values per the schema definition.

Once the attribute instance is created, the attribute can be associated with a system "thing" such as a Location or Material Model.

Big picture, attributes allow Argonaut applications, such as MES configurations or Automated Work Instructions, to use conditional logic based on object (Location, Material, etc) attributes.

Attribute Schema

An attribute Schema is the definition of the Attribute data structure. Attributes can be complex, with multiple properties, or simple with a single property. An attribute schema property can be defined as a string, integer, or date.