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Label Printing


Fix broken Link for Configuration

As an Argonaut Customer, I want to be able to print labels on a variety of networks and be able to debug the status of label being printed, so that labels can be associated to material for tracking purposes.


  • The manager has a running Argonaut instance
  • The manager has an authenticated Argonaut user with login credentials
  • The manager has a Argonaut "context"
  • The manager has a Argonaut "manager" role with the appropriate (or all) ACLs assigned
  • The manager has at least 1 Argonaut "Material Class" defined
    • test-materials
  • The manager has at least 1 Argonaut "Material Model"
    • test-model-01


  1. The manager creates a new device
    1. With a Device Type of label template
    2. The configuration for host, port and template_type are set appropriately
  2. The manager updates a Material Model test-model-01
    1. Sets the Label Printer Device to the newly created label printer device
    2. Sets the Label Template to an existing one, or click "Create New Label Template" button
      1. Give the template a name
      2. Enter an appropriate label template (See below)
      3. Select an appropriate label template type
    3. Click "Save" to update the material model
  3. The manager creates a new material
    1. In the "Material Class" page, select the class that contains the model test-model-1
    2. Click "Edit" to view the "Create Material" button
    3. Select the model that was just configured
    4. Enter a new serial number and check the "Label Print" checkbox
    5. Visit the device configured in the Material Model and view the queue report to see a "pending" status
  4. The Integrator configures the Label Print Service
    1. A Sparkplug Label Print service must be running
    2. The Sparkplug service must be updated to watch for print requests from the new device Id
    3. Once the Sparkplug service is updated, then the label print queue status should change

Example Label Template
